To be able to edit code and run cells, you need to run the notebook yourself. Where would you like to run the notebook?

This notebook takes about 30 seconds to run.

In the cloud (experimental)

Binder is a free, open source service that runs scientific notebooks in the cloud! It will take a while, usually 2-7 minutes to get a session.

On your computer

(Recommended if you want to store your changes.)

  1. Download the notebook:
  2. Run Pluto

    (Also see: How to install Julia and Pluto)

  3. Open the notebook file

    Type the saved filename in the open box.


If you are publishing this notebook on the web, you can set the parameters below to provide HTML metadata. This is useful for search engines and social media.

Author 1
👀 Reading hidden code
8.2 μs


On the following pages you find interactive animations, code examples and conceptual and applied exercises to learn more about machine learning.

👀 Reading hidden code
md"# Welcome!

On the following pages you find interactive animations, code examples and conceptual and applied exercises to learn more about machine learning.
260 μs
👀 Reading hidden code
1.3 s

This page is part of an introductory machine learning course taught by Johanni Brea.
The course is inspired by "An Introduction to Statistical Learning".

👀 Reading hidden code
8.4 μs
👀 Reading hidden code
10.1 μs